President Trump Loves our Arrest Award Fund idea!
Everyone Supported this Idea!
Now Available!​
Click image to download PDF.
Print enough to post at all the polls in your precinct.
Hand them out at all political events in your area through election day.
Post on every Community Bulletin Board.
Press Release
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New episodes every week
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Each episode details how Election Cheaters cheat, and Riggers rig.
Election/Voter Fraud "Blotter," featuring several interesting Arrests & Convictions from Operation Eyeball.
WELCOME TO OPERATION:.EYEBALL! Enhanced Tools to Assist Election.Integrity.Groups for the upcoming mid-term Elections.
SO MANY STORIES and reports of election fraud have been swirling around in our media, today! Be a part of the solution! Do nothing, and you're part of the problem.
If you're a part of an Election Integrity Group, great! Now, get your group to join our nationwide effort to unite all groups with a common brand:
Operation: EYEBALL!
"See Something, Say Something...Get Rewarded!"
More strength in numbers! Let's show any would-be bad actors that we, as a group, are much larger than them. That we're absolutely committed to stopping them from meddling in our elections, and will ultimately bring them all to justice! It's not just our constitutional right, it's our command: "Honor Thy Vote!"
Most Election Integrity groups around the U.S. are focused solely on known methods that have been used to "influence" election outcomes. Groups rightfully and ceremoniously have identified these methods and are working hard to mitigate or eliminate any possible recurrence. This is an admirable, worthwhile, and much needed course of action.
We applaud and support you! Be steadfast and unyielding in your effort to slam the door to those who would wish to alter the outcomes of any election -- for any office, in any county, state, or federal election.
Here are some of the ways elections have been manipulated:
Ballot harvesting
Ballot box stuffing
Duplicating ballots
Disposing ballots
Equipment/database tampering
Allowing non-citizens to vote
Voting under someone else’s name/Identity
No chain-of-custody records
Accepting undated or post-dated ballots
Voting multiple times in different districts/states
No signature verification.
DEFAMATION: Using the media to unjustifiably vanquish the opponent's character, to gain political advantage.
LAWFARE: Waging "legal war" against your political opponent using the court system with a volley of frivolous criminal charges and civil lawsuits.
…and so many other ways, it’s hard to list them all​.
Sadly, since the events of July 13th, when we almost lost the frontrunner to the upcoming Presidential election, we must also add the following extreme method of altering an election:
What used to be so simple, has gotten very complex, and confusing. The average American has every right to question the validity of his/her vote.
In the past, it was the role of "Media" to investigate reports of fraud, and then alert law enforcement. But now, each of the media channels seem to choose their own candidate, and blame the other candidate(s) for any inconsistencies -- regardless of who may be at fault.
When one candidate takes on the role of reporting suspicion, they immediately get labeled as an "Election Denier," even when the evidence of election malfeasance is overwhelming. They may even be charged with conspiracy to overturn the election. How frustrating! Then, exactly, who's role is it?
How do you feel about our elections? Some say the elections since 2020 have been the most secure in American history, while others claim exactly the opposite.
Let's hear what some Americans have to say. Also, tell us what you think.
What comes AFTER the election? OperationEyeball.com will advance it's focus from "Election Intergrity," to "Electoral Integrity!" Stay tuned! Check back often!