Volunteer for a Local Election Integrity Group
WANT TO JOIN the Election Integrity effort in your area, but don't know where to look? Download our free copy of known Election Integrity Organizations that exist throughout the country. We cannot guarantee complete accuracy of this list as contact names are submitted to us by volunteers, or people familiar with that group. Since most EI workers are unpaid volunteers, leader positions are often transferred to other volunteers without our knowledge. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and welcome your input and comments to tips@operationeyeball.com
IF YOU BELONG TO -- or know of -- an Election Integrity Group, please have them reach out to us at tips@operationeyeball.com, or press the "volunteer" button, above. Let us provide the marketing tools and assistance you need to get the job done -- for this year's Presidential Election!
WE CAUGHT UP WITH MIKE LINDELL, CEO of MyPillow.com, and founder of FrankSpeech.com, at this year's CPAC. He explained his "Plan" for preventing future election fraud, and how we can all play a role. He encourages every county in America to start an "Election Integrity Committee," and adopt a plan of their own to clean up local and state elections. All who are concerned with Election Intgerity are free to use Mike's plan. Download a copy here:
"The Plan" Executive Brief "The Plan" Detailed White Paper
​ALSO CHECK OUT our dynamic list of criminals who have been brought to justice for committing or attempting to commit election/voter fraud throughout the country. Learn what they were tying to do, and how they were caught. Certainly there are others trying to pull off the same shenanighans elsewhere -- maybe even in your own community!​​